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NOBL Policy Management

Missing Link of Agency Automation

Contrary to what many in the agency believe, current agency management software applications do not automate the agency’s entire business operation. Developed in the early 1980s, they never saw premium payments and remittance to insurance companies as part of an encompassing trust financial management. P&C independent insurance agencies would function more efficient if the agency trust account transactions would be also automated. In today’s practice, only customers, marketing and claims are fully automated. Trust account with all its intricate transactions continues to remain manually managed or ignored. Trust financial solvency is not of agency’s concern despite it is mandated by law.

Fiduciary laws mandate agents and brokers to receive and maintain premium funds in a fiduciary capacity and manage them for financial solvency. Despite a multi-million- dollar financial traffic through agency’s trust account, few understand and/or agree insurance agencies operate not only a sales and service business but a financial business as well.


NOBL product was developed to help agencies fully automated their business operation, both the sales and service and trust premium transactions. The need for this product will more obvious after departments of Insurance start enforcing fiduciary laws. It is believed that only forward-thinking agency owners and managers understand the true demand on the agency business and start looking for a product like this.


Here is what NOBL can do for your agency, whether it is small or large, uses or not an agency management system (such as AMS or Applied Systems):

  • Full control over premium receivables: receivables aging concept is eliminated;
  • Full control over the agency commission income; "earned commission" will be determined by payment and policy so it can be transferred to the business operating account without fear of violating the Insurance Code or understanding commission taxable income;
  • Full control over return premiums; current "returned merchandise" concept is eliminated;
  • Full control over cancellation endorsements and resulting premium refunds to either insureds or finance companies;
  • Full control over Direct-Bill commissions due from insurance companies or managing general agencies;
  • Full control over personal funds (non-fiduciary) legally maintained in the agency trust account;
  • Reliable reporting of agency production based on "sales" as well as invoice payments;
  • Reliable reporting of trust financial solvency.

Paulmar Software is a pioneer in insurance trust account automation and trust financial solvency management. Paulmar principals have written and published numerous articles on this topic.


NOBL software includes 8 different products. To manage only accounts receivable agency owners will require have to outsource only the first product. The complete list includes:

  1. Receivables (transacted premiums and endorsements)
  2. Agency & Producer Commission Management
  3. Insurance Company/General Agency Remittance
  4. Return Premiums/Cancellations
  5. Personal (non-fiduciary) Funds
  6. Direct Bill Commission
  7. Agency Production Reporting
  8. Trust Financial Solvency Management

The service fee is a usage fee set-up per policy record/policy term. Paulmar is programmed to upload production reports so that a different software application can generate invoices and email them to users.

Very important! Since trust account management, trust accounting and financial solvency reporting are above and beyond the insurance service, agencies can legally charge a broker/technology expense.

Information on software usage fees will be provided at the end of NOBL demo.

Free Demo

The NOBL demo will focus on two topics: (1) NOBL scope and place in the P&C insurance marketplace and (2) NOBL added value to the P&C agency business operation. NOBL will enhance the agency operation by (a) automating the trust account daily operations and (b) monitoring, controlling and reporting the trust financial solvency as required by Insurance Code.

Briefly presented will be NOBL management functions: Receivables, Agency Commission, Co Remittance, Return Premiums, Cancellation Endorsements and Premium Refunds, DB Commission, Production Reporting, Financial Solvency reporting.

Trust account management will be functionally separated from the agency sales and service management. Due to the complexity of premium and return premium financial transactions, premium trust funds will be maintained in a different ledger of accounts separate from the agency’s business funds.

NOBL will streamline the agency business operation and increase its competitive edge in the marketplace.

Free Trial

After signing the SaaS Agreement, Paulmar will train the agency personnel to prepare data entry source documents and run NOBL. Agency will be able to start working with NOBL immediately after NOBL is set up. The NOBL setup consists of creating data records of the agency’s CRSs and producers, insurance companies, general managing agencies, premium finance companies, setting up printers, etc. The training will focus on preparing source documents, working with data entry windows and running trust management functions, such as: commission income, company remittance, cancellation endorsements and premium refunds, etc.

NOBL will be implemented with new policies and renewals. There will be no disruption to the agency’s ongoing operation. Two agency personnel will be certified to operate NOBL. Designated management personnel will be trained to run production and financial solvency reports.

A two months free-of-charge trial period will allow an agency to decide whether to continue working with NOBL or stop it. No questions will be asked.


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